What is an Explainer Video? 📽️ +1 (734) 203-0171 📹 Skip to content
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Home Articles Animations and Videos What is an Explainer Video?

An explainer video is a short, animated video designed to explain a business idea in a simple, engaging, and compelling way. These videos can introduce a new product or service, explain a complex concept, or convey a business message clearly and concisely. They are often used on websites, landing pages, and social media platforms to grab the attention of potential customers and explain a product or service’s value proposition.

Pros of Explainer Videos:
1. Engaging Content: Explainer videos are visually appealing and can captivate the audience, conveying the message more efficiently.
2. Simplifying Complex Ideas: They can break down complex ideas or topics into easy-to-understand visuals and narration, making it easier for viewers to grasp the concept.
3. Increased Conversion Rates: Businesses have reported higher conversion rates when using explainer videos to showcase their products or services.
4. Brand Building: These videos can help build brand identity and recognition by presenting a consistent message in an engaging format.
5. SEO Benefits: Videos can improve search engine rankings and increase website traffic, as search engines often favor websites with video content.

Cons of Explainer Videos:
1. Cost and Time-Consuming: Creating high-quality explainer videos can be expensive and time-consuming, especially if professional animation and voice-over work are required.
2. Cluttered Messaging: If executed well, explainer videos can deliver more information quickly, leading to clarity for the audience.
3. Quality Concerns: Low-quality videos can negatively impact a brand’s image, so ensuring high production standards is crucial.
4. Potential Overuse: Overusing explainer videos in marketing campaigns can lead to viewer fatigue, diminishing their impact over time.
5. Ineffective Storytelling: The video needs to tell a compelling story or connect with the audience to achieve its intended purpose.

In conclusion, explainer videos can be powerful tools for businesses to communicate their message effectively and engage with their target audience. However, they require careful planning and execution to deliver the intended results without overwhelming or disengaging the viewers.

Check out our 3-minute video on website design. It explains our 7-phase process & critical terms.